Red Sand (Canada) & Retrospective (Poland)

Dit evenement is volgeboekt.
Founded in Quebec, Canada in 2003.
Red Sand was created by guitarist Simon Caron, a self-proclaimed David Gilmour, Andy Latimer, Steven Rothery, IQ, BB King and Albert Collins fan. At age 18, he started a couple of progressive rock bands (Fénix and Océan) and then left the music scene for a while. Unable to stay away from prog very long, however, he started to write again, searched for a band to perform his music and was soon surrounded by seasoned musicians most willing to oblige. Thus Red Sand was born. There has been a few personnel changes since and the band now consists of Caron himself on guitar, assisted by classically trained vocalist Stéphane Dorval, bassist André Godbout and drummer Perry Angellilo.
Retrospective is a musical compromise where the melody meets the guitar riff. It is a constant fight for dreams, expressing emotions through words and music. Retrospective is a way to reduce boredom and a break from gray reality. It is music limited by the imagination of six people. Retrospective is Us.
Ik ga bijna nooit meer naar een concert (ik ben 65) maar het zou me heel wat waard zijn om RED SAND nog eens in levende lijve mee te maken
Met vriendelijke groet
Jan, dan ben jij in ieder geval niet de oudste, de leeftijd bij ProgFrog ligt tussen de 40 en de 70 jaar, maar veel tikken de 60 aan.
Red Sand is nu mede de corona al 2 x verzet.
Als het goed is gaat het nu op een zondagmiddag in september 2023 plaatvinden.
Gr. Marcel